
Prize Winners

ACCA FIA Prize Winners

Nadya Billah Norfaizul Rizal

1st in the world (FA1)

Firstly, I think the most important thing is having a good attitude towards anyone. I’m not a nice person, but I am trying to be one. Next, just focus in class and ask your lecturer if there is something you do not understand. Listen closely and do your revision.

Elisya Qaisara Johan

1st in the world (FA1)

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My success does not come from my hard work alone, it comes from my mindset, my environment, my luck and ultimately it all comes from God’s decision.

Muhammad Darwisy Hazim Azhan

1st in the world (FA2)

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My father is my biggest inspiration of all. He once quoted, “Don’t think WHY I can’t, but think of HOW I can.” This has always been my strength and motivation throughout my life, and I applied it for my studies as well.

Muhammad Amir Naufal Razali

1st in the world (MA2)

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Disregarding your ability when you haven’t even tried is nothing but a betrayal towards yourself. You’ll never know how much you’re capable of achieving unless you put your all into it. So, keep moving forward and spare no effort until you’re proud of yourself.

Adam Elyas Izwan Zannie

1st in the world (FA1)

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The power of Myth: Great people make difficult things in life look easy. If you feel as if the obstacles in your way are immovable, go look to those who’ve been there before and you will realize that, instead of thinking that an obstacle is in the way, they see the obstacle as the way. The way to learn. The way to grow.

Arisa Nadine Norhisham

1st in M’sia, 2nd in the world (FA2, MA2)

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Utilize all available sources not only on the ACCA platform but also on common platforms such as YouTube and Quora. I personally find it easier to understand things by learning from these platforms. There are many knowledgeable people on the internet that could help you in your studies, just don’t be lazy to look for it.

Chong Yee Seng

1st in the world (FA2, MA2)

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All it takes is comprehension and practice. Period.

Tan Yue Jian

1st in the world (MA1)

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PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Besides doing the revision kit given in the lectures, I also practice extra questions from the other approved learning publisher books.

Khoo Jia En

1st in M’sia, 2nd in the world (MA1, MA2)

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Everything goes back to basic:-

In class: listen, pay attention, take notes. At home: study, revision. Other times: Never hesitate to ask the lecturer when having any doubts relating to the subjects.

Loy Hui Eng

1st in the world (MA1)

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As I am actively involved in PAC Club events, tackling time management could be a struggle. The key to achieve a balance is accuracy and speed.

ACCA Prize Winners

Arisa Nadine Norhisham

1st in M’sia, 6th in the world (PM)

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Success in my studies comes from a dedicated and consistent study routine. It is important to understand a topic rather than memorizing it, engage actively with the material, & practice solving diverse problems. Always remember to embrace a positive mindset and stay committed to your success. You’ve got this !

Chee Fei Yin

1st in M’sia, 5th in the world (FM)

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To current and future ACCA students, here are some exam tips that will be useful for you: Read each question and instruction carefully to avoid missing important information + present the solutions in a neat and clear format. Lastly, organize the answers in advance to prevent confusion and inconsistencies, as well as omitting key points.

Nurafrina Amirah Badrol Hisham

1st in M’sia, 5th in the world (APM)

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Do not lose yourself throughout this journey. Take pleasure in simple things in life such as a good cup of coffee, watching random TikTok videos or spending time with your loved ones.

Chee Fei Yin

1st in the world (FR)

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Before revising, I make sure I comprehend the content first so that I can make accurate assessments and highlight areas that require additional practice. Moreover, I often use the ACCA CBE practice platform to familiarize myself with the real exam environment.

Filzah Razak

1st in M’sia, 7th in the world (APM)

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Do not lose yourself throughout this journey. Take pleasure in simple things in life such as a good cup of coffee, watching random TikTok videos or spending time with your loved ones.

Mohammad Annuar Bin Idrus

1st in M’sia, 7th in the world (SBL)

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Study Tips: emphasize on the technique to answer the exam (very important for SBL), understand, not merely memorizing the concepts and facts, focus in class (don’t play with phone too much) & have fun sometimes (good time management for work, study, social life etc.)

Loy Hui Eng

1st in M’sia, 3rd in the world (PM)

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Love what you’re doing, and it will be easier. Having personal interest in the course that you chose to take up definitely helps.

Chua Qin Eion

1st in M’sia (P2 – Corporate Reporting)

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For those of you who are studying ACCA and working at the same time, it can be very challenging but rewarding at the same time. We are in a unique position to learn in theory and see it in practice. Having said that, avoid the “study to pass” trap and enjoy the journey of learning.

Cho Wei Chuen

1st in M’sia, 7th in the world (AA)

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F8 is a challenging subject because most students would prefer computation subject rather than theoretical subject. There are a lot to understand and to learn, but I believe it will contribute to my career. Mr. Joey is a nice lecturer. He is both helpful and resourceful.